What is this?

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to recognise and understand our own emotions, as well as those of others, and to use this knowledge to manage our behaviour, relationships, and interactions. It involves understanding different emotional states, being aware of our own and others' thoughts and feelings, displaying a range of emotional skills and traits, and having the capacity to successfully communicate and respond to emotional cues both in ourselves and in others. EQ enables us to empathise, to build and maintain meaningful relationships, to grow and develop, and to be resilient in challenging situations.

See also: love, emotional turmoil, decision making, transformational leadership

Self-Organising Collaborative Governance Q+A w/ Richard Bartlett 1,575

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 44

New congregation - Emerging Leaders - Michael Stern & Richard D Bartlett - Nov 2020 41

Ep. 58 Richard D. Bartlett and Natalia Lombardo from The Hum | Leadermorphosis 9

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 2